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How Mycelium is Reshaping the Future of Meat Alternatives

vegan mycelium chicken

Mycelium offers a tasty, sustainable and ethical meat alternative for vegans, vegetarians and everyone else who cares about the planet.

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7 Different products that are made with mushroom mycelium.


From buildings to vegan leather and beyond, mycelium is proving itself to be a powerful alternative to traditional materials.

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Using Mycelium to Make Electronics More Sustainable

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It sounds like an almost impossible marriage, but yes, mycelium and electronics are a hot new item.

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Mycoremediation can clean up large areas of polluted land and waters.

polluted soil

Mycoremediation is the use of fungal mycelium to help clean up oil spills, toxic soil at old industrial sites, and polluted waterways.

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Mushroom mycelium connects all life in the woods, as a vast network

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Mushroom mycelium is the miracle beneath our feet. It’s the root system of the mushrooms we see above ground, and a whole lot more.

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Fungi have sex in a variety of interesting and surprising ways.

earthstar spores

Fungi can have sex in ways that might surprise you. Their range of reproductive options gives fungi a huge survival advantage.

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Mushroom Spores Are One of Nature’s True Marvels

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Spores are the microscopic “seeds” of mushrooms and fungi. They are everywhere… even in the air we breath, wherever we are

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Do mushrooms create Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight?

QUESTION: I read somewhere on your website that mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D. The part that caught my attention was when you stated mushrooms create

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Mushrooms Are a Powerhouse of Essential Nutrients for Human Health

mushrooms in skillet

It’s easy to dismiss mushrooms as a simple side dish, but they are actually of huge dietary value on their own.

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Mycelium growing onto coir.

QUESTION: I have a substrate cake sitting on damp coir in a medium sized plastic tub. The cake has produced a good first flush and now not much activity

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