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How a Fungal Parasite Manipulates Cicadas for its Own Purposes

cicada fungus

You’ve probably heard of zombie ants, infected by fungi. But how about Cicada Zombies? Same thing, different fungus.

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Question on Mushrooms and Serotonin

Slices of Lion's Mane mushroom

QUESTION: I have a question about these 6 medicinal mushrooms and how much they increase serotonin in the brain. Which are Lions mane, Reishi, Turkey’s

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Mixing regular mushrooms with psychedelic mushrooms.

Reishi Mushrooms growing on substrate

QUESTION: Do normal mushrooms/mycellium that don’t have psilocin and Psilocybin such as reishi, cordyceps, turkey tail etc. counteract/weaken the effects

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The Enchanting World of Bioluminescent Fungi

bioluminescent mushrooms

Explore the science, ecology, and folklore behind bioluminescent fungi and mushrooms, as we uncover the magic of these glowing wonders found in our forests

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Fungi’s Growing Role in Sustainable Agriculture

industrial agriculture

Industrial agriculture comes at a high cost. Fortunately, fungi can help create a more sustainable agricultural future.

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Mushrooms Score Top Points for Sustainable Food Production

mush farming

In a world where food production is anything but sustainable, mushrooms stand out as a rare and positive exception

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Mushrooms and Fungi are Nature's Allies in Combating Climate Change.

climate change mushroom view

In a world threatened by climate change, mushrooms and fungi can help us mitigate the harm through carbon capture and more.

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Fashion Designers Fall in Love With Fungi

fashion walk fungi 900

Mushrooms and fungi permeate every aspect of our lives, including the world of high fashion.

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Gourmet Mushroom Beverages – From Teas, to Coffees, and Cocktails

reishi tea

Explore mushroom teas, coffees, and cocktails that will awaken your taste buds and expand your understanding of these incredible fungi wonders.

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New tree dead because of mushrooms

After removal

QUESTION: We planted a brand new Juniper near 2 other Junipers . Around them we placed weed barrier and rocks. The tree died I believe because of the

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